Saturday, January 26, 2008

Ryan's Scooter

This scooter has been at Nana's for a year, you can see the picture from last Christmas in an earlier post. Now Ryan can finally touch the ground. He turned 20 months last week, the day this was taken. Okay he could touch the ground at 18 months but it wasn't captured in photographic form.
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Mister Sunglasses

  A picture of Ryan sporting his sunglasses at Nana's house last weekend.
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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Look what I can do

Ryan has learned how to pull himself up in his playpen. He is so proud of himself. This picture was taken the first day he pulled himself up, March 25, 2007.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ryan and Dad Swimming

Ryan and Daddy are having fun at swimming class.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I'm a big boy now.

Ryan is getting ready to take off on his new scooter, with a little help from Daddy.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Holiday Visitors

Jay, Shilpa, Maya and Tej came to visit us today. Here is a great picture of Shilpa, Maya, Tej and Ryan.

Look at Maya taking care of Ryan, she is a natural after all that practice with her brother, Tej.

Maya and Tej look like they are having lot's of fun on the play mats.

Ryan's 1st Christmas

Ryan is chillin' out with his bottle at Christmas Brunch at Nana's.
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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Halloween 2005

Here are some pictures of our first Halloween pumpkin carved at our new house.

Visit to Detroit

In November I was in Detroit for the Intel Channel Conference. I brought my husband Chris along with me so we could visit our friends Shilpa and Jay over the weekend. Here are some pictures of their kids from our visit.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

My New House

I moved into my new house 2 weeks ago. It has been a busy time of unpacking and shopping for items we hadn't needed before (rakes, shelving, water hoses, trimmer etc.) We are still unpacking, hopefully we will be done soon. Here are some pictures I took before we moved in. This was on the day we closed. I will post some more current pictures when I get a chance.